The last of the Shrek movies has our favorite ogre living in an alternate reality where none of his friends are the same. After the disappointment of the third movie I don't have high hopes for this one. Out on May 21, 2010.
Teen movie about a boy who finds out his father is Poseidon and gets caught up in a war between the gods. The up side is that Sean Bean is in it. Out on February 12, 2010.
Movie directed by Peter Jackson based on the book by Alice Sebold about the murder of a young girl and the effect it has on her family. Out on January 15, 2010.
J: Thumbs up
K: Thumbs up (but I'm not going to watch it - I read the book and it was incredibly sad)
Comedy starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell as a boring married couple who gets caught up in dangerous dealings with shady people due to a case of mistaken identity. Out on April 9, 2010.
Mortal son of Zeus attempts to stop baddies from the underworld from taking over the earth. Starring Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes. Out on March 26, 2010.
Finally! Werewolves start getting some of the love they deserve (it's not all about vampires, you know). How can you possibly go wrong with Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt, Anthony Hopkins, and Hugo Weaving? Answer: you can't. Out on February 12, 2010.